
Friday, September 14, 2007

Around the House

Each time I download pictures onto our iphoto account I have to name the file. I have many, many "around the house" files. This means nothing of consequence was really captured, but I took pictures none the less. You know, she could change from day to day, so I want to capture EVERYTHING!! Will she thank me someday or think I was a crazy mom? Hmmmmm.

Picture #1- MOPS

In case you haven't heard of it, MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, and it's run by local churches who want to support moms of little ones. Last year was my first year to "qualify" for membership, and I loved it! So much that this year I am our church's coordinator- that's a long story, but the short story is that I'm really loving it! It reminds me a lot of teaching, only that the lessons are much shorter and I'm working with people who can write complete sentences! :) I have never really had this type of leadership role before, and never in a church setting, so I am learning a lot. But most of all I'm learning that God calls us to things for a purpose, and He wants us to learn from it and grow closer to Him. On several occasions (like today) I had to step out of my comfort zone (I don't "do" large group praying) and I think that's good for me. If you haven't investigated your local MOPS group, and you quality for membership (you have a child 0-kindgergarten) I highly suggest you look into it. You won't be sorry!

Picture #2- Noodles

This has become Allison's favortite food (she actually says, "More angel haired pasta, please!")- she might even choose it over the Cheetos! She can slurp these suckers up like no one else- no need to cut them- she's a pro at cutting them with her teeth. You can see that she doesn't even mind if one or two hangs out on her face while she gobbles up more. I'm guessing we may fatten up our little 25 pounder if we give her these every night. I know they work to fatten ME up!

Picture #3- "I LOVE MY ANIMALS!!"

I took this picture today before nap time. I was laying on our bed, talking to Scott on the phone, when she starts bringing in EVERY animal and blanket from her toy room. Then she decides she's like to hang out there while I read her naptime stories. Works for me. Today's selections were "I'm Big Enough!"- thank you, Nana, and "One Lost Sheep", thank you Grandma Judie. We LOVE story time at our house. Does she look comfy and cozy or what? And yes, she did want to stay in our bed to take her nap. And no, I did not let her. :)

I hope everyone reading this has a joyous weekend. This is our "date night" weekend!! YIPPEE!! We are doing a monthly babysitting/date night deal with another couple, and this is our weekend to go out and have them watch Allison for an evening. Our plans right now are to go out to dinner and a comedy club. I really enjoyed this season of Last Comic Standing, and it made me want to see a live show. Fun times!

More later...



Danielle Moss said...

Your daughter is beautiful. Let me know if you need help figuring out the elements for your blog. I'm happy to help as much as I can.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend.


Kristi said...

She's so tiny! Our little sweetie weighed in on her 18 month check-up at 26 pounds even. Of course that could have something to do with the fact that she's never met a fruit she didn't love...

The picture with the animals is too cute. Sounds like snuggle time was great!