
Monday, September 10, 2007

Boys and Girls- they are different! :)

Well, we've just ended our second round of "babysitting swap" with my friend Julie and her son, Landen. We're taking turns getting some much needed Mommy alone time while giving our kids the opportunity to play together. Allison is learning that boys are pretty fun (Landen cracks her up!), but they play a bit differently than she does. Take, for example, the Mr. Potato Head "game". Allison puts out all the pieces, arranges them just so, and then begins to "dress" Mr. Potato, putting all the pieces in the correct places. Until babysitting Landen I thought all kids put the pieces in the right places and just looked at it. NOPE! Landen proceeds to put pieces wherever he feels like it. Then he grabs the ear off the top of Mr. Potato Head's head, throws it into the air and yells, "BLAST OFF!!!" Allison and I just stared at him like, huh? It's a great lesson for all of us- play is play- it's just different for boys and girls sometimes. I think we could both learn from each other, and hey, maybe they'll both understand their future spouses just a little bit better someday. :)


3 Peanuts said...

Yes, I have 2 boys and they do play very differently than my Kate does.

BTW--Allison is really beautiful!

I will pop in her to check up on you often:)
