
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dance, Dance, Dance

This may be one of those "you had to be there" set of pictures, but it was SO fun to watch all our girls dancing together on the dance mat. These are the only shots of all 4 girls that I got, and believe me, we bribed them. "You can have a chip if you come dance!" I just love their expressions-they really are trying to follow along with the steps. And the one with the 3 little girls, seeing just the tops of their heads, is just so cute.

It's moments like this where I wish they'd form travel groups by location- that way we could have our girls grow up living close together. That would be great!

Stay tuned tomorrow for more memories from Ohio! :)


Anonymous said...

How precious!!! Look at all that black hair. :)


missy said...

What a BLAST!!! They are so pretty and look SO happy.

Kristi said...

They make those dance games look fun...