
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Geez Louise!

We interrupt this regularly nice, sweet blog for an ugly little service announcement. I feel strongly that if you do something stupid you should share your stupidity with others to prevent them from doing the same stupid thing. Now, we all KNOW not to hold a HUGE relish jar by the lid, but fess up, you've done it! Well, the other night I obviously didn't quite get the lid on all the way- look at that mess! Scott couldn't believe I took pictures of it or that I would post the pictures to share, but really, I'm among friends. I feel safe. :)

After I cleaned up the mess we headed out to Chuck E. Cheese, one of my least favorite places on the planet. Allison had earned a special reward with her behavior program, and she chose Chuck E. Cheese. Really, it should be a fun place, and it can be. But we need to go on a weekday afternoon, not an evening. It seems to be the place where people come, drop off their 8 children, then kick back and relax at a table, leaving me, and the other 3 parents that are actually monitoring their kids, to take care of everyone. Some would say "Just take care of your own child and don't worry about the other kids". Neat thought, but when unsupervised kids are pushing my kid around, I kind of have to get involved. I think we'll be taking this lovely establishment off our list of places to go when we earn a reward. This mom just can't handle it. :)

I promise to be back soon with some fun pictures and some good stories too, but I thought the relish "incident" could hold you over. And by the way, who likes relish? ICK!! I couldn't have spilled something like chocolate pudding, nooooo, I have to spill nasty relish!!


Kate said...

Well, you know, you did a REALLY GOOD JOB of spilling the relish...some real talent there it seems.... :-)

Ahh...Chuck E's....that can be a dicy stop...

Here's hoping to a cleaner, happier post soon...although Allison seems pretty darn happy in the picutre...and really that's all that matters, right??

Anonymous said...

It doesn't look pickle relish to me.


Andrea said...

We have banned the Cheeze place but somehow LeighAnna learned about it because one of her videos was sponsored by the place. Now when we drive by, she's excitedly calls out "it's Chuck E Cheeze!" I then tell her that it's a nasty place or a boring place. But thanks to video advertising, she knows better and says to me, "No Mom, it's a really fun place!" She'll have to just believe that for awhile because we're not going until I'm ready for insanity.

Beth said...

Of course I thought you were going to say that it was vomit!! Ewwww!! I'm glad it was just relish. (I have never taken Katie to Chuck E Cheese. I just never think of it. Guess I'll have to do that sometime.)

Jodee said...

You poor thing! I hope that relish came out of everything okay.

We hate Chuck E. Cheese too and our kids always want to go there! Why is that?!

Kristi said...

I had a similar mess with a bowl of butterscotch pudding mixed in a metal bowl that was precariously perched on top of the iced tea...

Glad you had a nice afternoon after the incident!