
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Tonight we arrived home after a one week trip to KC to visit family and friends. I had SO much fun, and so did Allison. We were able to see several friends and do lots of super fun things! It will take me a few days to post the pictures, so come back every day if you want to see all the neat things we did and meet some of Allison's friends. :)

The first day we just hung out, went to the mall with Nana, and fun stuff like that. Then on Tuesday morning we met up with our friends Kate and Elle. We had a blast swimming at a really cool pool and then had a yummy Applebees lunch.

I'm way too tired to put sayings underneath the pictures, so...

Picture 1- heading out of St. Louis. We've got Shay Shay, our thumb, and a great movie on the DVD player. Life is good!
Picture 2- hanging out with my friend Elle at the pool!
Picture 3- playing with medals at the restaurant- was she excited or what???

Stay tuned for more pictures tomorrow night!