
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Fun with Parents as Teachers

Today we had our first visit of the year from our Parents as Teachers gal. This is a program sponsored by the school district and available to preschool kids to check their development. The program also offers LOTS of activities for kids to do outside of the home visits. The big trucks, cars and busses Allison visited last weekend was a PAT activity. They have an adoption meeting coming up this fall, so we signed up to attend that. Just lots of good stuff for kids and parents.

Today our gal brought over shaving cream to have Allison do some sensory work. It's unclear to me whether or not she really enjoyed it, but she certainly "got into it", if you will. You can tell that Mommy doesn't allow her to get dirty often enough because she kept checking with me to make sure it was okay with me to make a mess. It was so funny when some of the shaving cream, okay a LOT of it, went off the placemat and on to the table. She looked at me, and with a very serious face, said, "Uh oh!"

She never performs when Kristy comes over. Allison has so many tricks, but she'll only perform them AFTER the evaluator leaves the room. I hope she's not like that when school starts. I hope she'll show the teacher what she can do! "Allison, can you read this book to Mommy?" "Noooooo!", "Okay, can you show Kristy how you can count to 15?" "Nooooooo!" You get the picture. UGH!

Speaking of naps (sorry, no transition there), we've decided to have "crib time" instead of nap time. We're still calling it a nap, but we've decided not to push it. If she wants to sleep, fine. If she wants to play, fine. She's obviously getting enough sleep (lots of energy through the day and evening) so we're going with the flow. For this "go by the book" mom, that isn't so easy. But I'm trying!


Sheri said...

Allison looks like she's enjoying that shaving cream! How sweet that she kept checking with you to make sure it was okay to make a mess. She's adorable!

Beth said...

In these pictures, she look like she's 18 months again!! :) Very cute, and it looks like fun!

3 Peanuts said...


I feel for you. I despise nothing more than when nap time moves to "rest time."

The shaving cream looks fun...kind of?
