
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Play Date Fun!

This morning we made a date with Beth and Katie so we could play with them and so that we could stay out of the painter's way. I love going over there because it's so much fun to watch Allison and Katie play together. Because they are so close in age (just 2 days apart), they go through very similar phases (well, we pray they are phases) at the same time. It just makes me relax and realize that Allison is normal and that screaming in frustration is okay when you're two- you're just having trouble expressing your desires. :)

We played outside, did a craft (a prayer box), and made homemade pizzas. I discovered that it's best to leave Allison alone when she's "crafting" because trying to help her just stresses both of us out. She ended up doing a good job and more importantly, enjoying herself in the process.

Our afternoon was less than fun, as she decided to play the "I don't need a nap today" game. My LEAST favorite game, let me tell you! I spent all afternoon trying to get her to fall asleep and finally gave up, exhausted. What did she say when I came in that final time? "I'm ready to be AWAKE!" with a big smile on her face. IRRRRRR!!!

Enjoy the pictures!



Kristi said...

The pictures of Allison and Katie together are too cute! And oh how I dislike the "I don't need a nap today" game too! We played that one several days last week ~ I was EXHAUSTED!

3 Peanuts said...

Oh, I hate it when they don't nap. Ruins my day!


Anonymous said...

Yuck, I hate that game too. We play that almost every night. Yippee!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...I did some real damage at our new Old Navy store today. I think I may have blown our Nashville budget.