
Friday, December 14, 2007

Goin' to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come...

Today was a really fun day. I love Fridays! Not quite as much as Saturdays, but a close second. We had MOPS this morning, and it was a really good meeting. Our speaker talked about keeping Christ in Christmas for our little ones, and he said a lot of things I'll remember for years to come. Most importantly, for me, was the message that Christmas was about the greatest gift of love, and that we are to show our kids real, unconditional, simple love every day- by doing that we are doing "the meaning of Christmas" every day of the year. :) We really do make things more complicated than they need to be, don't we?

Then this evening we had a Ladies Night Out with the MOPS group. About 10 of us gathered at a place called Imagination Pottery- I love those places. I made Allison a little present and then attempted to create a mosaic piece. I have no idea how it'll turn out, but it sure was fun to make, and the fellowship with the MOPS gang was of course the highlight of the evening. We have SUCH a great group of ladies this year, and it was fun to get together outside the normal meeting time.

Tonight I've been busy packing and repacking, as we're leaving for KC tomorrow. We have three family celebrations to attend between Sunday and Monday-it'll be busy but fun. We'll head back to St. Louis on Wednesday in order to prepare for our own little family Christmas. I hope you all have a great weekend! I'll be checking in from KC with pictures of our celebrations on Monday. Until then- happy blogging!
