
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

These are just some random pictures taken Christmas Eve (feeding the reindeer, making cookies for Santa, opening new jammies, etc.), and from Christmas morning (opening presents, trying out new toys, etc.) We had SO much fun with Allison this year. We thought last year was fun, but now that she's 2 1/2 it was even more fun! She loved everything Santa brought her as well as the stuff Mommy and Daddy picked out. YEAH!

My favorite memory from the last two days happened at church on Christmas Eve. Allison came with us to the service instead of going into her toddler room, and she did a great job! About half way through the service we started singing Away in a Manger. We were standing, and I was holding Allison. She was singing, right along with everyone, in her most adorable voice, and I just started crying- then I couldn't stop crying. What a mess I was. But seriously, watching your precious child sing Away in a Manger is a pretty beautiful thing. Then after the song, just when I was getting myself back together, the pastor asked us to raise our hands to God for the prayer. Well, I have never been comfortable doing this, and I could opt out of it this time because I was holding Allison. Well, she turns to see the congregation with their hands raised, and bless her heart, she raised both hands to God and closed her eyes in prayer. My tears started flowing again. I think the people behind us got a little choked up too. There is just something so pure about a child praying. I can't explain it in words, and of course I don't have a picture of it, but it will be etched in my memory forever.

I am usually the type of person who wants "everything Christmas" to be put away on December 26th- I want to move on and look forward to the new year. I don't think that's going to happen this year. Allison is singing Frosty at the top of her lungs, asking about the Advent calendar and wondering why she can't open another door, telling everyone in Target (we went early to get Christmas bags and such for next year) MERRY CHRISTMAS!, and requesting to watch Christmas movies. So, I guess we might be "in the spirit" for a bit longer this year than usual. :)

Happy New Year, everyone!


Jodee said...

Cute pictures! It looks like you had a great Christmas.

Andrea said...

I remember the first time LeighAnna raised her hands. I'm not a "hand raiser" either but it was so precious. You are right about the purity of their prayers. Just wait until you overhear her praying for her lost glass bead or better yet, praying for "mommy to not be upset that I disobeyed"... Talk about purity! Cute jammies!