
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Library Time

One of my favorite things to do is to take Allison to the library. I try to go when we have plenty of time because she'd stay all day if I'd let her. It's so fun to watch her explore and find new books. On this particular visit there were 3 girls (all under 6) who were not behaving so nicely. Their mother was frustrated with them, and eventually she just walked away to another section of the library. They weren't being "bad"; they were just needing some attention, I think. Allison sat down and began to read a book, but she kept looking at them like, "Can you keep it down?" After a minute or two, all three girls came over and were listening to Allison "read" the book. She was sitting in a big chair and they were all hanging off the chair to get a look at the pictures. It was so cute. And proves my point- they were just needing a little attention- or for a 2 year old to read to them. :)

Afterwards we went on an errand with Daddy- it involved going into the city of St. Charles to process paperwork for one of our vehicles. I despise doing these types of things, but they are just part of life, so we headed down there. The process of even getting a place to park was exhausting, only to find out that the line was SO long there was no way we could complete the stuff that day. UGH! The good part was Daddy took us out to lunch- the bad part was that it was WAY past Allison's bedtime by the time I drove her home, and you can see that she didn't last. :)


Jodee said...

Cute pictures!

Beth said...

I can't get over the picture of her sleeping! It's so cute.