
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

More About Me! :)

I read these Q and A's on someone else's site and thought it was fun- remember, my blog is a diary, so bear with me as I talk about myself a little and put pictures of my child on hold. If you do these Q and A's on your blog, let me know so i can come read about you!

What I was doing 10 years ago today: I was honeymooning in Camden, Maine, LOVING my new role as WIFE! :)

5 things on my to-do list today:

1. Bathe child
2. Take said child to get her 3 year pictures taken
3. Address envelopes to send pictures to said child's family and friends

Really, my list is VERY long, but this is about all I actually got DONE!

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

1. HIre a really good financial advisor
2. Pay off debt, house, etc.
3. Give to our church so they could add the space we need to hold everyone!
4. Pay off some head official in China to get our baby NOW instead of 5 years from now (just kiddin!)
5. Enjoy a shopping spree
6. Work on NOT letting my billion dollars go to my head! :)

Bad habits:

1. overeating
2. talking too much
3. worrying
4. overeating
5. watching too much tv.
6 overeating
Hmmm, is there a theme here? :)

Places I’ve lived:

Iowa (4 years), Kansas (27 years), Michigan (2 year), California (4 years),Kansas again (2 years) and Missouri (2 years)

5 jobs I’ve had:

day care worker
ice cream scooper (lasted a day!)
telemarketer (I was GOOD- see "talks too much" above)

Favorite Person Outside Family:

That's a tough one, so I'll just say that my closest buddy these days is my friend Beth.

Quirks about me:

I have NO sense of direction- NONE- can't even figure out which way to go when I walk out of a store in the mall. It's BAD!
I HATE bugs, especially June bugs- I need the lights to be turned off if I'm coming home in the dark because I cannot stand to see them or, God forbid, have them get ON ME!
I never eat ice cream or cereal out of a normal bowl- I use different cups. And I never eat ice cream with a normal spoon- I hate the metal on the ice cream- ick!
I'm a VERY picky eater- nothing with chunks (onions, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, etc.) I also won't eat anything berry (ras, straw, blue, etc.)

Any regrets in life:

That I wasn't more active in high school, that I gained back weight (100 times, I'm sure) after losing it, that I wasn't closer to my dad until adulthood, that I didn't try new things and take risks more.... I'm sure there are more, but not too many! :)

Favorite charity/cause:

My church.
Compassion International- we've sponsored the same child since the first year we were married. She was 6 then. She just turned 16. WOW!!

Favorite Blog recently:

There are so many great ones out there that inspire or just make me laugh. The funniest one I've been reading lately is Classy Chaos. She is hysterical!

Something you can’t get enough of:

Being with my child/taking pictures!

Worst job you would pay NOT to have:

My answer could be different on any given day (there are a LOT of bad jobs), but for today I'll say a police officer. I'd be scared every single second!

Guilty pleasure:

Reruns of Friends, blogging

If you HAD to spend $1000 on yourself, how would you spend it?

I'd buy new clothes and new shoes.

Favorite thing about your house:

The outside- it's red brick with black shutters, and I fell in love with it the first time I saw it.

Least favorite thing about your house:

I really can't complain cause my house is just fine, but I guess I'd love to have a finished basement

One thing you are good at:

I hope I'm good at being a wife and mother

What is the hardest part about your job?:

Again, can't complain- I love being home with my child, but I'd say the fact that I can't seem to keep my house clean- someone (I won't name names, but she's a tiny tornado!) is always messing up what I just cleaned!

When are you most relaxed?:

When I'm out on date nights. I love spending time with just my husband.

When are you most stressed?:

When people from out of town come to visit. It makes me very happy, but it stresses me out too.

What can you not live without?:

My faith. The love of my family

Do you agree or disagree about the recent article that reported blogs are authored by narcissists:

I haven't read the article, but I've read some that seem very much that way and others, not at all, so maybe it just depends on the person.

Why do you blog?:

We started a website to keep people updated on our adoption, and then I just kept doing it to continue to keep people updated. For me it serves as a diary that will hopefully one day bring back a lot of wonderful memories for me and for my family. But I will admit that it's also nice to know that some people check in on me regularly to see how I'm doing and to see how Allison is growing up. I enjoy learning about other people and their lives too, so it goes both ways for me.


Anonymous said...

I know of an EXCELLENT financial adviser in case you would ever need one, and he's FREE to you.

I want a cupcake. :)

Love, MoM-Nana

Jodee said...

Enjoyed reading your list!