
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Allison's first leaf book

Did I mention that I LOVE fall! I think I did. Anyway, Allison has always been excited about falling leaves, their colors, etc. I saw another blog where a mommy helped her daughter make a leaf book (thanks for the idea, Becky!), and I thought- what a fun idea! So today we ventured out in the back yard to collect some leaves in a bag. Then we came inside to make a book. After putting the leaves in the book I thought it would be fun for her to color the pages around the leaves. Then I thought one step further. Why not have her write the book. So, on each page I'd ask her, "Tell me about this leaf" or "What do you like about this leaf?" or other leading questions. In the end, each page has a different, albeit similar, comment. The last page says, "It's almost dinner time" I guess she was getting hungry? Ha! I read it to her a couple times and then she had it memorized (freaky, this kid!), and when Daddy came home she ran to him with her book and said, "Read it to me!" My child is an author and I couldn't be more thrilled. Now I must come up with new ideas for her to write more books. Any thoughts?

And just in case you thought my motives were pure, they weren't. I thought her outfit was pretty darling and I didn't even put her in a coat when we went outside even though it was 45 degrees. When she started shivering we came inside. BAAAAD Mommy! :) But hey, the pictures are pretty darn cute if i do say so myself. I know some of you reading this would have done the same thing- you know who you are! :)


Andrea said...

Guilty as charged! Our family photos taken last December were in freezing wet conditions but I wasn't about to have all of her portraits with winter coats on!

Andrea said...

How about a "Fruit of the Spirit" book! You could draw pictures to go with each "fruit" and then talk about what each one means as you "read" through the book.

Jodee said...

I love the leaf pictures. Allison is just adorable! I love fall time too!