
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Giving Thanks!

We hope you and your family celebrated a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday together. We invited my parents to visit us for the holiday, and thankfully, they accepted and came to St. Louis to hang out with us for a few days. We had so much fun, and Allison loved having them here.

Highlights included:

Learning a new card game (I complained it was too hard and I didn't understand it; then I won!)
Going out to eat at yummy places
Strolling through historic St. Charles, MO (cold but still fun!)
Listening to Christmas music while putting up the tree (okay, the guys put it up, but I decorated it!)
Watching my dad read to my child
Watching my mom listen to my child read her Snow White
Being cold and needing a coat- finally!
A GREAT Thanksgiving day feast, even though my dish was a failure (I tried something new- big mistake!)
Bringing up all the Christmas decorations from the basement (not the actual step climbing- just seeing it all again!)
Shopping for the family we adopted for Christmas
The incredible turkey stew my husband made today with our leftovers- YUM!
Listening to my child tell us what she was thankful for and making the list- of course her sippy made the list too!
Just "being" with family without a lot of plans and stuff to do

As a family we have so much to be thankful for- the list is really endless. But at the heart of the list is our family and our ever growing faith in Jesus and His plan for our life. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


Jodee said...

Cute pictures! It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving!