
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Interview with Allison

Before I write up the interview, let me just tell you that ""circle the things" refers to the pages of a workbook we've been using where she has to circle the thing that's the longest, smallest, etc. She LOVES doing this, and I tell her it's like what she'll do in school, so she likes it even better. :)

On to the interview:

1. What is your name? Allison (I'm done with this question cause she looks at me like, DUH!)

2. How old will you be on your next b-day? Three (sounds more like Free!)

3. What do you want on your birthday cake? Dora and Boots!

4. What makes you a big girl? Eat, circle the things.
4a. What else do you do that makes you a big girl? Those are all the stuff I need. (ha!)

5. What are your favorite things to eat? Garlic and Herb fish
5a. What else do you like to eat? Angel hair pasta

6. If we went on a plane, where would you like to go? Disney Land and Disney World

7. What should we do today? Circle the things!

8. Who's your best friend? Shay Shay (sorry, Katie- maybe next time!)

9. What do you like to do with your best friend? Suck my thumb.

10. What do you want to be when you grow up? A pumpkin (she is still VERY into Halloween!)

I really do think these interviews are a hoot! I print off all my blog pages to serve as a diary, so I know it'll be fun for her when sh'es a teenager to read these answers. :)


Danielle Moss said...

SO cute. Love these interviews. She will love them when she is older. :)