
Friday, November 16, 2007


I really do love Fridays. Why? Because it means Saturday is right around the corner, and that's the day we get to spend with Daddy! :) Daddy signed Allison up for some music education classes and they start tomorrow. Our little one is very interested in music and loves to play around with different instruments. With her amazing memory, we though music would be a good thing for her to get into at a young age. The class meets every Saturday morning, which is great because Daddy can go with us instead of another just Allison and Mommy deal.

Today for lunch we went to Daddy's work for their annual Thanksgiving lunch. YUM! Allison behaved herself very well and had a good time. She had her first taste of pumpkin pie and loved it. :) I took a picture of her before we left- not the greatest picture, but I sure love the outfit. When I was in KC my friend Lori told me about a new store (I forget the name now) I just HAD to go to. I asked her, "Will my husband be mad at you for telling me about this place?" She smiled and said, "YES!" I knew I'd love the store!

Tomorrow is also date night for Scott and me. Yeah again! We're still not sure what we're doing, but we'd have fun if we just sat around and looked at each other- kind of sad, but true. :)


Jodee said...

Adorable outfit. Have fun on your date night! We love Fridays at our house too! I work full-time so we always look forward to "two stay home days," as my son, Carson, refers to them.