
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Really, Daddy lives here!

The picture is from last spring, but I thought it was darling, so I posted it to go along with my stories today. Each day my sweetie says something worthy of writing down, and today I wanted to share it with the masses- or all four of you out there who read my blog. :)

Daddy was all ready to go to work this morning, so he says to Allison, as he does every morning, "Allison, it's time for Daddy to go to work", to which she replied, "Okay, thanks for coming over." After a long pause where we were both trying not to crack up, Scott says, "Uh, I LIVE HERE!!"

Allison is going through a little stage where she says Daddy is mean, but what she's saying is that he's mean because he leaves to go to work. One night Scott tried to explain to her why he has to leave every day. When I later asked her, "Allison, why does Daddy go to work?", she replied, "Because if he didn't, we wouldn't have any money and we'd have to live in the street." I'm sure he gave her a more lengthy and true explanation, but that's what she got out of it. I'm quite sure we wouldn't be in the street- my dad did pay for a nice little education for me, but I do SO value what my husband does every day and am thankful it allows me to spend every day with this little angel of ours. :)


Beth said...

Oh, that is hilarious!! Better be careful what you say to that little girl. ;)

Well, Katie and I woud never let you guys "live in the street". We could kick our teenagers out and give you the basement... 2 bedrooms, a bath, living area, perfect!! (Won't John be surprised!)

Jodee said...

That is a funny story! I bet that made your hubby laugh though!

Jodee said...

P.S. I love your new blog look. Danielle did a great job, as always!

Danielle Moss said...

She is too funny!

I love that the side of the blog looks like an icy window - or is it just me?
