
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Fun at The Magic House

The Magic House is a REALLY cool place in Kirkwood, MO (about 40 minutes from us) where kids of all ages can go to learn new things and just have fun. They have several rooms and open areas dedicated to different disciplines of learning (science, math, nature, reading, banking, domestic skills, etc.) There is something for everyone, even the adults! Allison has been begging us to take her back there to "go fishing with Daddy". You'll see some pictures of her doing that- it's her favorite thing! Scott's nervous she won't like fishing in real life since you don't catch a fish every 30 seconds- or at all. :)

We had a busy day today, so Allison didn't get a chance to nap (just cat naps in the car), and by evening she was a bit emotional. Her latest deal is that she doesn't want to wear pants when we're in the house. Well, we keep our house pretty cool, plus I just don't want her to run around in panties all the time. To quote Seinfeld "Not that there's anything WRONG with that!", but I just don't like it. So we talked to her about the weather changing and how we really need to wear all our clothes in the house. Well tonight she came running out to the living room after going potty, and she didn't have her jeans on. I told her to go put them on. A few minutes later I hear this loud crying, and I ran in to the playroom to see what was going on. She was standing there with her jeans pulled up about 1/2 way, crying, "It's TOO HARD!! It's TOO HARD!!" Bless her heart! I felt so bad for her. Of course jeans would be tough for her to pull up. :(