
Saturday, February 23, 2008

I've been tagged!

This is a first for me- what fun! I have always enjoyed getting those emails that go around once in awhile where you answer lots of fun questions about yourself. It's fun to do, and it's really fun to read everyone else's answers too! I learned a lot about my friend Beth (Katie's blog) this way, and I hope to learn a lot about the people I'm tagging too!

Here are the rules:

List 7 random things people might not know about you. The rules are to link the person who sent this to you and leave a comment on their blog so their readers can visit yours. Post the rules on your blog. Share 7 facts about yourself. Tag 7 random people a the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Okay, here are my random facts:

1. I am SEVERELY directionally challenged. Knowing my right and left is about as far as I can go. I've been lost several times, circling around the same area over and over again, clueless about how to get myself home. I will NEVER be the lead car, and I have to drive somewhere by myself several times before I'll remember how to get there. North and south mean nothing to me unless the sun is directly in my eyes. Even then, I have to visualize a map in my head to figure out which way is N/S. My GPS is my very best friend! :)

2. I have been to Europe three times. The first time we went as a family to visit the home of a foreign exchange student we had hosted from Germany. The second time I went and toured for a month with a group from school, and the 3rd time I went along with my dad, who was going with a group from the Kansas City Symphony Choir. All three times were memorable in their own special way. I really enjoy traveling.

3. I hate small talk. I would rather meet someone and get right to the good stuff. I studied psychology for 2 years in college before moving to education, and I really enjoy getting to know people. I hate the parties where everyone just stands around, really saying nothing. I have always been an open book, and I like to make friends with people who are equally as open.

4. I met my husband on the Internet. This was 11 years ago, when people were just getting used to chat rooms and communicating with people near and far using this medium. Scott and I met in a chat room that was discussing our favorite John Grisham novels. We met soon afterwards, were engaged within 7 weeks, and have been married almost 10 years.

5. I'm afraid of birds. If they are up high in the sky I think they are lovely. If they are in cages, I can tolerate them. If there is ANY chance they might fly close to me or flap their wings within ear shot, I will FREAK out!

6. I taught 7th and 8th graders for 12 years. English was my subject, and even though I make MANY grammatical errors in my own writing without noticing, I never miss catching someone else's errors. When you edit papers for a living, there is no way to read someone else's writing without doing it. It's a curse!

7. I LOVE to sing! I have always loved to sing and used to make up my own songs when I was little and belt them out from the hearth of the fireplace! In high school my friends nick-named me "Jukebox Laurie" because I knew the words to every song and loved to sing.

I am tagging the following people and can't wait to learn more about them. :) Thanks, Beth, for including me. This was fun!

Fireworks and Fireflies
Follow the Leaders
kaylei china
Ellie's blog
Faith's blog
Leigh Anna's blog
and so we wait

Have fun, everyone!

PS- Allison is over her fever and we are somewhat "back to normal" at our house. YEAH! :) Have a great weekend, everyone!


Jodee said...

Laurie -- Thank you so much for the tag. I was actually tagged not long ago so please see my previous post called "I've been tagged!"

I enjoyed reading your list, and I can't believe you met your hubby on the Internet that long ago! That is wild!

Beth said...

I'm glad you enjoyed this. I love reading stuff about other people, and definitely had fun reading yours. - You have a thing about birds, huh? I never would have known! :P

Anonymous said...

I finally got around to writing my 7 things. It was fun to learn about you more!