
Monday, February 25, 2008

Mondays with Landen

Our weeks are starting to become pretty predicable these days. I know things will change soon, but I bet we'll only develop new routines, not drop routines altogether. I'm a pretty "routine" kind of person. I like to know what's coming up and to plan for it. Kind of boring, but I think I've always been that way. Anyway, Mondays are my day to watch Landen every other week. Allison goes to his house every other Monday. The kids had a lot of fun today. They wanted to paint together, which I thought was really cute. They did a great job sharing the paints, and only my child ended with paint all over her clothes (whew!). I had to laugh cause Allison is actually wearing her Valentine's Day outfit from last year. That skirt (mis-sized for sure!) is a 12 month. Ha! Anyway, they had fun playing, working with Playdough, watching Super Why, painting, playing cards, etc. It was a busy morning. Oh, and the picture of Allison making a face is what I got when I asked her for a scary face. I've never seen this face before! :)

Funny story:

A few weeks ago we noticed Allison was having trouble with naps. It would take her FOREVER to fall asleep. I hated that she was in her room for so long struggling, and then I hated how late she'd wake up from nap because then it made nighttime tough for her too. So, Scott came up with the brilliant idea of calling it "rest time" and just letting her hang out in her room with books. The option of falling asleep would be hers, but she HAD to stay in her room until a certain time. Well, this worked wonders immediately. She'd "read" for awhile and then things would get quiet. She was choosing to sleep. I was in heaven! This worked for about a week. Then I'd say, "It's rest time", and she'd say, "NO! I want to call it nap time! I want to go to SLEEP!" Gotta love it! We haven't had "rest time" since then. No books, no nothing. She gets in bed and falls asleep quickly. I'm wondering what else I can give her control over that will make my life easier. :)


Beth said...

Cute pictures. Love the scary face! - I have to say, you are SO brave... two toddlers, painting, with nothing down on your floor!!?? Wow! When Katie paints I have a drop cloth that I put down. However, now that I think about it, it's always clean. But I guess keeps me from worrying about it.

Anonymous said...

That's funny you mentioned Allison's outfit. When I was looking at the pictures I recognized it as Ellie's Valentine outfit from last year!

We too have difficulty with naps and I have started letting her read a book and she usually falls alseep. I hadn't thought of calling it rest time though.

Ellie's birthday is April 16.

Jodee said...

Cute pictures and cute story!

DiJo said...

I love the post below about "rest" vs. "nap" time. Will you remind me of that when I am trying to get Ruby to "nap" once she is out of her crib. Thanks for checking in on "The Pearl and the Ruby!"