
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Getting ready for Valentine's Day!

The process has begun! I've learned through experience that Allison needs several days to complete a major project, so we got started today on our Valentine's. WHAT FUN! Yesterday I bought all the materials (probably enough for the next 3 years), and today she started making them for her buddies.

It's so much fun to see how she decides to put these together. I have to hold my tongue when I see her putting little white hearts on the big white heart. I want to yell, "Choose a red one, a pink one, a purple one- anything but white, you silly!" White doesn't show up. White blends right in. But she's 2, and I want them to be HERS and all HERS, so I shut my mouth. Yes, I know, that is difficult for me to do! :) Her favorite part was signing her name to each one. Right now her "signature" is a big huge A. She can write her name up to the S, then she gets stuck. I mean, really, writing an S is tough! Anyway, if you happen to be one of the "lucky" ones receiving one of Allison's cards, you'll no doubt enjoy the authenticity of the valentine. :)

Wish me luck getting Allison to finish all the valentine's by the mailing due date. :)


Kristi said...

Good for you on holding your tongue about the white hearts ~ I'm not sure I'll be able to when those days arrive. Looks like you guys had a good time!