
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Some Random Shots and stories

The past week has been rather "normal" around our house, which has been nice. I gathered a few random shots to share. I am quite sure our life on a reality tv show would bore viewers to tears in about 10 minutes. Okay, maybe 5. But for us, it's a great life, a life we very rarely find boring. :)

A few stories:

Last weekend at church Allison made a prayer chain. The names on her prayer chain were Mommy, Daddy, Aaron, and Claire. I first gave a sigh of relief that I was on it, then thought it was very sweet for her to add Aaron (her real brother) and Claire (one of her China sisters). VERY sweet. Each night we've been praying for the people on the chain. I ask her to pray for one name and then I cover the rest. The first night she chose Aaron, and when it came her turn to pray she said, "Dear God, thank you for a wonderful day (all her prayers begin this way). and please, ummmm, please bless all the people in China." I looked up as if to say, "Sorry for the tall order tonight, God!" :)

Yesterday we were talking about our trip to Disney World (planned for October '09), and Allison was reminding me how old she'll be when we go, and how we're going NEXT year so she'll be tall enough to ride more of the rides. Then she thinks a bit and says, "Can Aaron come too?" She's really starting to see him as part of our family and thinking of how he'll fit into all our daily plans. I love it! She also told me this week that she missed him and wished he could come home today. Me too, honey. Me too.

My favorite word is Mommy. Really, it is. I spent many years wishing someone would call me Mommy. When Allison first said Mama I thought I would melt, and when it turned into Mommy I was sad that she left the Mama stage but happy to hear Mommy. Now, after a couple years of being called Mommy, it is no longer my favorite word (it really is, but for dramatic purposes I'm saying it's not). I think teaching manners is coming back to bite me in the.... Allison was getting into this habit of starting her sentences with "I need...." or "I want..." I taught her, "Allison, you need to start your sentences like this.."Mommy, may I please have..." or "Mommy, I need...." WHY, oh WHY did I do this? Now, and I'm not kidding you here, she starts EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE with Mommy. And each time I have to say, "Yes?" before she'll continue the sentence. It's EXHAUSTING!! I said, "Allison, you don't have to say Mommy every single time. You can just talk to me." Her response? "No, I can't. I have to say Mommy first. I do." Last weekend when we got in the car I got out a piece of paper and a pen. I said to Scott, "I'm going to count the number of times she says Mommy until we get to our destination. I recorded the time on the clock so I could see how long our trip was and how many times Mommy was said. ZERO!! ZERO!! At the end of the trip I threw my arms up! Then we realized, she was eating her snack. No time to talk. No time to ask questions. Only time to eat. Perhaps I've found my answer!! :)

Like I said earlier, nothing for reality tv, but it's sure fun for us! :)

A morning routine- coming to our bedroom to lay on our big pillows and read

Does she look comfy or what?

The first outfit I purchased for our baby boy

In less than 3 weeks I can go from one outfit to THIS! :)

Last weekend we had "movie night" so we could finally watch Finding Nemo, which has been requested for quite some time. She was equipped with popcorn (in a special bag Daddy picked up!), M&M's, blankets, and her 2 Nemo books, that she referenced throughout the show. Ten minutes before the end of the show she said, "Can I just go to bed now?" In her defense, it was 10:15 PM!

Just a shot I can never refuse taking. :)


missy said...

I would tune in to your reality TV show : )

I love how Allison is already including Aaron in her prayers and thinks of him as her brother. She is so special!

Love Aaron's new clothes. I love to shop, too : )

Kate said...

Uhhhh Laurie..if agreeing with EVERYTHING you said...and thinking that it is the most fantastic life ever if wrong...I don't want to be right!!!

It may not meet many people's ideal of exciting...but you and I are in on the best little secret ever!!! Being a mom just rocks...and was so worth the wait!!!

Love ya girl!!!