
Friday, September 19, 2008

Hey, hey, little fishy....

Yesterday we headed to our rec center twice- once for swimming class and once for dance class. Good times! The swimming class was great. Last year we did the "Mommy and Me" class, which was also fun, but it was more enjoyable for me to watch her be independent and have a teacher show her the ropes without my help. There were 5 kids in her class, and she enjoyed every minute- until the end. Here is where I'll explain the swimming video....

All the kids lined up at the edge of the pool and she described a "game" to them. The "game" was where the teacher would sing some little song and then tag you with the cute little alligator. If she tagged you, you jumped into the water and she dunked you. Everything was peachy until Allison saw how the game worked. As soon as that first kid got dunked she started backing up away from the line, pacing back and forth, VERY worried. I know I should have been compassionate, but it CRACKED ME UP!! I've never seen Allison so nervous before. She looked back at me once and I just said, "It'll be fine", with a smile on my face. When it was her turn, the teacher had to reach a bit to tag her, but she jumped in, got dunked and came up just fine. She wasn't thrilled about it, and I'm not sure she'll do it again now that she gets what's going to happen, but it sure was cute. This video will make me laugh for years to come!

The other video is of her speed singing her ABC's. Just darn cute!

Update: both caterpillars are still living. :)

More and more this is the image I see at "rest time". Hey, whatever works!

How cute is this? Allison with her new little friend, Lauren, at swim class

All the kids lined up. I did want pictures of their faces, but I was the only one there with a camera as it was, so I didn't want to be obnoxious! :)

Getting ready to head out for dance class, which I thoroughly enjoyed watching this time. Allison is still obsessed with picking clover, flowers, weeds, whatever.


Ian said...

The fishy dance is pretty funny...

Ian said...

The fishy dance is pretty funny...

Jodee said...

What a fun day! Carson loved swimming lessons this year, as well.