
Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Very Hungry CaterpillarS

Oh, what a day! We had so much fun! Scott decided today would be a good day to visit Hermann, MO, the town we've been meaning to check out for some time now. He knew the Tour De Missouri was going through there today, but he didn't know it was a starting point for leg 6 of the race. The place was packed with people, bikes, camera men, radio and tv stations, etc. We walked around a bit and took a LOT of pictures because my dad is an avid bicyclist and we knew he'd appreciate the photos. :) At lunch time Allison and I ducked in a restaurant while Scott watched the start of the race and took more pictures. NO ONE was in the restaurant (duh!), but five minutes after the race started there was a line out the door to get in. My hubby, he's soooo smart! We enjoyed a lunch and then headed home.

The most exciting part of the day for Allison was when Daddy bravely went into the street not once but twice to pick her up a caterpillar. We found a nearby store and bought a little bin to put them in. Then we added leaves, sticks, grass and a bit of water for them. She "took care of them" all the way home and said, "These are our first pets!" She named them squiggly (the black one) and Bally (the orange one, who was all balled up when she first saw him), and she is very excited to have them in her room. I heard her reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar, so I went to her room and found her reading the book TO THEM. Come on- how cute is THAT? :) I took pictures and video- I really wanted to remember how special this day was for her. Scott has been researching how to keep them alive. :)

Life is good. :)

She held on to the bin the whole ride home (about an hour) to make sure they were okay.

Reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar to her new friends

She returned a few minutes later just to "check on them"


Beth said...

Cute! I love that she chose to read 'The Very Hungry Catepillar' to them. - By-the-way, I don't mean to startle you, but you DO realize those little guys are going to turn into butterflies, right? You'll have two butterflies flying around your house in a couple of weeks. hee,hee

missy said...

Awwww, Laurie just when I think Allison couldn't possibly be any sweeter, she goes and does this!!!

Her little voice melts my heart. What a breath of fresh air it is every time I come to your site.

I just love that little Allison!

Wolfes Home said...

How cute is that?!

Kristi said...

Reading 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' to her new friends is perhaps the cutest thing I've seen this week!

Anonymous said...

Hey Laurie - I haven't had a chance to read your blog since your announcement of Aaron - too cute for words is all I have to say! See you soon! Martha

Unknown said...

Love that! We've collected quite a few caterpillars--and other not so cute bugs--which the kids then name and build houses for, etc. It is so nice to see their compassion even for God's smallest creatures!

Lisa A : Izabella said...

Laurie you are so blessed with this little one...but frankly, the more I read and learn about you...I believe she is picking up YOUR personality. I can totally see you as a little girl reading to your pet catepillars. You Laurie are so it's only natural you have a daughter that's a wonderful as her mom....

PS--one of my sweetest memories of my sister is the day her pet lady bug passed and she insisted on having a funeral...and we all had to attend. It was precious. She's an animal lover and when she was little I used to kid her she liked to talk to animals more than talk to people. She didn't disagree. :)

One final comment...beth's comment is hiilarious...

Danielle Moss said...

AHHHH! She is SOOOO cute!