
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A busy week- LOVING it!! :)

This week is jam packed with activities and fun times! Between swim class, park dates, school and MOPS, this week is proving to be a busy and fun time for Allison and me. The weather is in the 60's, making it an even more wonderful week for yours truly. :)

Thanks for asking how school went for Allison and for ME! I did just fine. Teared up a bit on the way to the car, but then I was fine. I listened to some 80's music on the radio, turned up really loud, the whole way home. It was a wonderful break from nursery rhymes!! Allison had a wonderful experience and was full of stories in the car. I arrived a bit early and watched through the glass for a bit. She was busy with her new friends and teachers and didn't even notice me. I was thrilled and can't wait to take her back tomorrow for more good times.

Thought I'd provide a couple of stories along with today's post.

1. Every once in awhile Allison will ask about her adoption story in one way or another. One thing she's been focusing on lately is her Chinese name. She likes to say, "When I was in China my name was Wei Feng Lu, right?" It's sooo cute the way she says it. The other day she finally asked, "Mommy, why did you and Daddy name me Allison Faith?" Now mind you, I think it's just fine that other folks have incorporated their child's Chinese name into their American name, and I understand and support their choice to do so. We chose not to, however, and the way I explained it to Allison was by telling her that we wanted her name to be given to her by people who truly loved her and would be her mommy and daddy forever! She liked that answer. For those of you not in the adoption community, here is how the naming works.

Wei- a first name given to her by the nannies in the orphanage
Feng- She was brought to the Nanfeng orhpahage, thus the Feng
Lu- the last name of the orphanage director

What was funny about the story was that she then turned to me and asked, "Mommy, what was YOUR name when YOU were adopted?" Uh, Uh, Uh... stammer, stammer, stammer...

2. We've been reading a book lately called China's ABC's (great book- thanks, Nana!), and Allison just loves it. The "C" is for calligraphy, and she keeps asking if she can write like that someday. I say, "Sure!" Well, the other day I saw her writing with a black marker. I asked, "What are you drawing?" She said, "I'm not drawing. I'm doing calligraphy." I said, "Oh, you're writing like the people in China write?" and she said, "No, I'm doing it my own way. I'm doing the St. Louis kind of writing." :)

That's all for now. :)

I've heard from the BTDT crowd that soon I will be VERY sick of all these papers coming home from school, but I sure loved seeing them on this first day. It was just neat to see all they did in such a short time. Of course the teacher in me came out- I went over the work with her and talked with her about each paper. :)

A new game before swim class- pretend to be stuck in the lockers. How cute is that smile?

Just a pic from swim class- still loving it!

Showing off her 1st "homework" assignment. She had to find things around the house that started with "F" for show and share time tomorrow. How I wish I could be a fly on the wall. I had her practice taking each thing out and telling me about it. I'm going to make her hate school before she's 7, aren't I? Ha!! Notice how beat up my kid looks. The rug burn on the chin looks a lot worse than it did the day it happened, and she has some new bite on her neck that's made her look all rashy for 2 days. Poor thing.


missy said...

I am so glad she loved school! Doesn't it do your heart good to pick her up and she be happy? I love it when I get the (rare) opportunity to pick up Paige and she runs to the car smiling! Aaahhh!

You are like we were...combing through every single paper...I promise you, it stops by fourth grade : )

Danielle Moss said...

Have I told you how cute I think Allison is? :)

I would give anything for a cool fall day. It was in the high 80s today. Maybe even the 90s. I don't like that kind of weather in the summer, so in the fall it's just plain sad.

Beth said...

I love the picture of her holding her bag. So, what sort of 'F' things did she put in the bag? Too bad you can't catch that on video.

Anonymous said...

Hey Laurie. How did you find the meaning of Allison's name. I know Lu is the director's name. I never have really found the meaning of Wei. Do you know what it means?

Kate said...

I love "the St. Louis kind of writing"!