
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

RANDOM thoughts and pictures...

Sixty five and sunny. This, in my opinion, is the BEST weather of all! And it is today. REJOICE!! :) Now, on to my post....

Nothing too exciting has happened this week. Just normal life around here. However, I was very inspired by my blogging buddy Jodee to get my fall decorations out, so I did that yesterday and took a few pictures. Fall is my favorite time of year- the start of school, family b-days, pumpkins, fall festivals and the like. I just love it all!

I felt the need to write about how my angel is not always an angel. I do brag on her an awful lot, I know. But seriously, she really is an angel on most days. HOWEVER, she does have her moments, and I feel the need to come clean with a few of them. This is really for Missy,another blogging buddy , who thinks Allison is too sweet for words. She really is, Missy, but once in awhile I must expose her dark side.

Example 1: She is enjoying the "repeat game", where she repeats everything you say. This is fine if you are in the mood. She will not stop, no matter if you are in the mood or not, so sometimes I'm quiet for long periods of time. What does she do? Follows me and mocks my actions. GRRRRR!

Example 2: Bath time. Usually bath time is nice, no issues. At the end of bath time she is allowed to play with the sprayer, but she is told EVERY time to be careful to keep it in the tub. She ALWAYS keeps it in the tub. Until this week. She takes the sprayer and AFTER hearing the warning proceeds to point it right at me. I am wearing my glasses, so now I can't see, my clothes are wet, water is going all over the floor, and I am trying desperately to turn the water OFF. The worst part? She thought it was funny. She spent the next 30 minutes asking, "Are you still mad?" I think I said yes about 5 times before I said, "Not anymore." Then she says, "Next time I will not point the sprayer at you." NEXT time? Uh, I don't think so. Not for a LONG time! :)

Example 3: Would you like some cheese with that WHINE? Not for long periods of time, and not every day, but oh this child can whine with the best of them. She can also talk back pretty darn well too. Her latest is when I call to her. She'll YELL back, "JUST A MINUTE!" or "I'M BUSY!" We do not tolerate that in our house, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

So there you go. That should hold off the "you brag about your child too much" folks for awhile. :)

Okay, the rest of this is really random, so if randomness bugs you, come back another day.

1. I think Squiggly (caterpillar #1) might be dead. The question is- do we just say it was time for him to go back to nature and put him outside, or do we explain the death of a caterpillar to her? I vote for back to nature! You?

2. We are starting to sell Allison's clothing on ebay. If you are looking for little girl clothing, sizes 9 months - 2T, look for a post coming soon to show you how to get to our sales.

3. We have not heard anything new about Aaron, nor do we know when we'll be traveling to China. My best guess is that we'll hear something by the end of this month or in early October that will let us know WHEN we might travel. Stay tuned. Believe me, when we know, you'll know. I can't wait to post his picture. He really is pretty darn cute!

4. My blog will be getting an updated look as soon as we hear about Aaron. YAHOO! I'm working on its design right now, and then of course I'll hire my buddy Danielle to make it all pretty for me! I can't wait! I'm going to add lots of things to it, including a bigger list of blogs I love to read- the list has grown a lot since I first started this one.

5. And lastly, a note about blogging. I have SO much fun updating my blog every day or so. And I really enjoy the comments. They are just fun to read, and they often make me laugh and smile, something we all need to do every day. So thank you!! I appreciate the comments so much, and I love commenting on other people's blogs too! The thing I don't like is when I hear that people have had negative comments left on their blogs- really hurtful, negative comments. I have recently changed a setting on my blog so that I can view comments before they hit my blog. Sure, I'll still see the comment, but at least it won't get any attention, which is what these people want- attention. Some of my friends have done the same, or have not allowed anonymous people to comment. Either way will work to shut down those people out there who enjoy being hurtful.

Okay, on to the pictures- enjoy! :)

Allison asked if I would take a picture of her book and craft "for the blog". I obliged. :)

A couple days ago Allison was writing messages on paper after paper after paper. She finally brought one to me and said, "This is a picture of how I need to tidy up. :)

I know. I take pictures of the weirdest things sometimes, but this cracked me up. Each night she can choose 2 books for us to read. Last night's picks- Jesus and Barbie. All I can say is that I'm the lucky one- she chose ME to read about Jesus. Hearing Scott read the Barbie book was quite humorous! :)

Fall decorations

Someone was very excited to put candy corn into the dish. :)


Andrea said...

You're hired! My house awaits your decorating flair for all seasons and my credit card is at your disposal as long as the purchase benefits me. ;-) We'll pay Allison in candy corn for her artistic embellishments!

Kristi said...

Oh the dreaded repeat game! Kylie hasn't entered that stage yet, but I still remember my sister doing it from our childhood! And as for the talking back, my sweet angel has started rolling her eyes. Funny thing is that she even told on herself the other day when I asked her, "What did you say?" and she replied, "I woul my eyes Mommy!" I take comfort in the fact that other "seemingly perfect" toddlers have their moments!
Pretty sure that I'll be checking out your ebay stuff ~ Allison wears the most adorable clothing!
Love the fall decorations, I'll enjoy them in your house since with the move mine won't be going out this year...

missy said...

Hey lady! This post tickled me so much! Now, what are you doing airing out of all my girl's dirty laundry??? : )

Just kidding!!!

No matter Miss Thang's latest and greatest attitudes and still have to admit, she is SO darn CUTE! Remember that when she is spraying you with water (YIKES)!

As for the caterpillar...yeah, I vote for back to nature!

I also cracked up at the Barbie and Jesus book. It reminded me of when Paige was about 3 and we were at a family reunion. I put her on the spot in front of lots of people and said, "Sing Jesus Loves Me"...Paige shook her head, then I said, "Ok, what about Who Let the Dogs Out". Everyone roared!

I cannot wait to see Aaron!!! I am hanging on patiently : )

The fall decorations rock!!! I love the bat with the candy corn. Come on fall!

3 Peanuts said...

Love your Fall decorations. I am SO jealous. Harry saw pumpkins and gourds in the store today and asked if we could get some...obviously I told him we did not have anywhere to put them....

THANK YOU for your kind message. I am trying so hard to hold it all together for the family but I feel like I might fall apart soon. I appreciate your kind words nore than you will ever know Laurie!

Jodee said...

Your fall decorations are fabulous! I especially love the bat candy dish!

Denise said...

Do you all like candy corn? I can't have it on the house because I will eat it constantly!!!

Love the Barbie/Jesus books and that your hubby had to read Barbie...LOL!

Thanks for your encouragement Laurie~

Danielle Moss said...

Why does Allison have the cutest voice in the whole world?!? Oh! She is SO cute!

Love the fall decor!

Jill said...

Ahh~ Allison picked the Jesus book and the Barbie book... a Christian and a girly-girl. :)