
Friday, September 5, 2008

More signs that Allison is home!

"Look, Mommy! I made my books nice and tidy! That's important to do."

"Look! I made a bunch of ice cream sundaes out of my blocks!"


"Please don't touch the blanket. CeCe is taking a nap."

No quote needed

"Mommy? When I go to Disney World may I dress up like Snow White every day?"

And the biggest sign that Allison is home is the smile on Mommy's face. This is us this morning, heading out to MOPS. She really was excited to go, but you'd never know it by that lovely face she's making. :(

Cracked me up how quickly my house went back to "normal", which is a nice way of saying messy. :) I love the little signs of Allison that were all over the house within 24 hours. Love it!

Today we headed back to church for the new season of MOPS. If you're a regular reader you'll remember that I was the coordinator of the group last year. Well, let me tell you, it was WONDERFUL to go back this year and have ZERO responsibilities. I arrived when it started, as opposed to an hour early. I ate breakfast when it was hot and yummy, as opposed to not eating at all because I rarely sat down. I never looked at the clock, as opposed to checking my cell phone every 10 minutes to see if we were still on schedule to complete everything. I got to know each lady at my table and was able to listen to everyone's stories as opposed to ducking in every so often just to check in on everyone. And last but not least, I was able to walk out with my child when it ended, as opposed to staying an hour to make sure everything was clean, doors were locked, trash was put away and carpets were vacuumed. Leadership is AWESOME, and everyone should take their turn, but it sure was nice to be "just a member" again!

I don't think anyone in MOPS leadership reads my blog, but just in case, WELL DONE, LADIES!! You all did a fantastic job, and if there was anything that didn't go exactly as you'd planned, no one noticed! I'm already looking forward to the next meeting!

After MOPS Allison and I went to get our "once a month after MOPS" happy meal. Thankfully she is pretty turned off by the Star Wars characters, so I didn't have to save the silly toys. Yes, I say toys, because yes, I get a happy meal too. You're never too old for a happy meal, I say!


Andrea said...

That matching bow and shirt are too cute! What a good idea to see the mess in such a positive light. Now if only you could help me put on my rose-colored glasses. ;-) LeighAnna uses any object to make ice cream sundaes also.

3 Peanuts said...

Love all of her little scenes..she is such a creative little girl.


Jodee said...

Cute pictures! Carson loves Happy Meals too, however, I always throw the junky toys away when he is not looking! I am such a bad mama!

Kate said...

Yea MOPS! Our first meeting is tomorrow and this year I'm a discussion/small group leader. So looking forward to our year too!

keithnwendi said...

Something we have in common... I was a MOPS leader too. I was a discussion group leader for 2 years & then the Coordinator for 2 years when my twins were smaller.
I miss my MOPS friends (we have moved since then). It will be nice to be able to join MOPS again when our baby girl comes.
Hmmm then I will officially be qualified to be in MOPS & with a by then 20y/o I guess I could qualify as a mentor as well LOL.
