
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cute Chicks!

I really do love my job. The best part about it is making my own schedule, for the most part anyway. The other night I was watching John and Kate Plus 8, and it was about how they were finding a way to take each kid on their own "special day" once a month, to make sure they could spend some alone time with them. At the end they commented on how neat it was to see all their expressions, hear all their questions, get to talk to them one on one. Now don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to have more than one child, but it made me think how lucky I am to be able to have this one on one time with Allison and to spend every day with her while she's little. We have our moments, believe me, but every day is filled with joy for me, and hopefully for her too. I had to wait a long, long time to be a mom, so I am treasuring it.

Today we went to the library to check out books. When we arrived we noticed little chicks in a cage. I was so glad that we had all the time in the world to spend there. I just let Allison look at them, take pictures of them, talk about them, etc. No need to hurry. We didn't have to be anywhere in 1/2 hour or anything. It was nice. When we got to the back I realized we'd come on a "story time" day. I was excited and wanted to take advantage of the "activity!" I asked Allison, "Would you like to go in the room for story time and make a craft?" She said, "No, I'd just like to stay out here and look at all the books." Again, it was nice to do that. We didn't HAVE to do the activity just because it was there. We could just "be". I decided to call Daddy to see if he was free for lunch, and he was. I told him, "I'll call you when we leave here. i don't know when it will be." :) We ate at a yummy Mexican place, and a good time was had by all!

Since my blog serves as my diary, I wanted to remember how much I'm enjoying this season of life. I really enjoyed my job as a teacher. I loved creating lessons, presenting them, getting to know the kids, hanging out with my teacher friends ,all of it. But this is by far my favorite job! :)

So funny- just as I finished writing this, Allison starts yelling, "I want TWO SNACKS NOW!!" I tried to reason with her, telling her she could have a snack before bed, but she kept yelling, insisting she have something NOW! I still love my job, but it's not all roses! :)


Anonymous said...

Speaking of baby chicks, what happened to the rabbit that hatched? :) Love the picture.
