
Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Today has been a good day. Allison and I had NO official plans or places we needed to be. It's been a long time since that has happened, and I think we both needed it. We've just taken our time with everything and had fun together. We headed to the mall this morning after baths and NiHao. :) We did all things kid including the book store, the carousel, the toy store, and the play area. We then had lunch at Panda Express- YUM! Allison has always been fun to hang out with, even when she was a lot smaller. She's so well behaved, and goes with the flow much better than I do, so it's just fun to do things with her. Since her verbal skills exploded so early in life, we've been having conversations for a long time, but now they are getting more interesting.

For example, today she wanted to know how orange chicken was made and how they made it so spicy. She's also just plain funny, and a bit manipulative. She had already eaten her fortune cookie, so when I got mine out after the meal she looked at me with this HUGE smile and said, "It's SO nice to share!"I just cracked up! She SO knows the right thing to say to get her way.

On the way home she started to get sleepy (this happened yesterday, where she DID fall asleep, which resulted in DAY TWO without a nap- UGH!), so I said, "Oh no, you are NOT falling asleep again! WAKE UP!" She then closed her eyes really tight, to pretend she was asleep and said, "I'm teasing you, Mommy! Look at me!" Thankfully she did not fall asleep, and right now it's silent upstairs, so I think I'll join her for a much needed nap.

The pictures are of Allison finally fitting into a KU shirt (at least as a nap shirt) that her cousin Jennifer gave her before she was born. I remember looking at it then and thinking, my child will never be THIS big! Ah, time does fly,and children DO grow! The other is just her looking sweet on our way to the mall.

Oh, and I couldn't resist taping her again today- hearing my child sing brings me such joy- especially when she's singing about Jesus. LOVE it!! :)


Anonymous said...

That's my girl....yeah! we have a new singer in the family. :)