
Friday, April 4, 2008

First Trip to the Dentist!

Today I took Allison to see the dentist for the first time, and I'm happy to report she did a great job, and the dentist said her teeth look wonderful! She does have quite the overbite, which he said might correct itself if she gives up thumb sucking pretty soon, but I'm not holding my breath for that to happen. All in all she was very brave (although there were some signs of anxiety), and of course her favorite part was choosing a new brush at the end. I can remember seeing pictures of kids at their first dentist appointment, so I didn't feel too silly with the camera out, but I tried to limit it to just a few pictures. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh how precious. She looks lost in that big chair.
Allison, Nana is so proud of you. You did better than your mom used to. :) WOW! an elephant toothbrush.
Love, Nana

Jodee said...

Cute pictures. We have two thumb suckers too and I am so worried already that their teeth will be messed up!