
Friday, April 11, 2008

Growing out Bangs

I'm giving the growing out bangs a 2nd try. Last time I gave up when things started looking straggly, without really looking into ways to make Allison's hair pretty along the way. Recently I saw a post on my friend Becky's site where her daughter's hair was up in a headband and looked SO cute! I thought, hmmm, maybe we can do headbands while it's growing out. So today I put her hair back with a headband I bought a LONG time ago (like 2 years ago!) just to see how it would look, and I like it! At first I thought she'd hate it or wouldn't want to keep it in, but it seems she really likes her hair out of her face because she hasn't touched it at all. Looks like I need to go headband shopping. Does anyone know of any good websites of places that sell neat headbands? I see sites all the time w/kids wearing really cute headbands, but I never see cute ones when I'm out, so clue me in- where do you get them?

Today our MOPS group had a meeting called Tea and Testimony. It was GREAT! We had seven ladies give their testimony as to how their lives have been impacted by their relationship with Jesus Christ. Everyone who shared did a fantastic job, and I know the members listening were very moved. At this meeting I also introduced the people who will be on the Steering team next year, which included my successor. It was bittersweet because although I'm ready to pass the torch, I REALLY enjoy being in front of the group at each meeting and just being part of a team.

This weekend I had planned on going to Kansas City to meet up with one of my China travel buddies, but the weather forecast called for high winds and rain. It's blowing SO hard out there today that I've carried Allison for fear she'll blow away! I'm bummed about missing out on the fun weekend, but trying to keep my car on the road for 3 1/2 hours is not my idea of a good time. :(


Kristi said...

Allison looks quite cute with her headband. My Target dollar spot had some cute ones this past week ~ thick ribbon style in blues, greens and pinks.
Bummer on missing a fun weekend with your travel buddy! We are so blessed that two of our families live within 2 1/2 hours of us and two more live within an hour of our out of town family. There's something to be said about the friendship bonds that develop in China...

Kaylei Elizabeth Ling said...

I don't know if you have Dillards, but they usually have adorable ones. Let me know what you find out too.


Jodee said...

Love the hairband idea for growing out bangs!