
Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Rough Day

I'll save the details for dear friends who are willing to lend a listening ear (thanks, Heather!), but suffice it to say, today was NOT a good day for this Mommy of a toddler. The word for the day was "disobey", and it was acted out many times in many different ways in our home. Allison obviously enjoyed her yogurt a little more than I would have liked, and the child who has been potty trained for six months has decided it's neat to go in her panties now. Really, folks, NOT a good day. Yours truly had a mini-breakdown in front of her child, bringing laughter from said child. Really, NOT a good day.

As my wise friend told me tonight- some days are just BAD, plain and simple. But there is always tomorrow. WHEW! :) I'm sure looking forward to my tomorrow, I'll tell you that! I'm off now to read a few blogs, hopefully from folks who had a better day than I did. :)


Jodee said...

I can totally relate! My kids are little tornados right now. I refuse to pick up any more. It's just a waste of my time!