
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Random thoughts

These pictures are very random today- we've had a pretty laid back week, so there haven't been too many "event" pictures to take. You'll first see my little fashion diva all decked out in her tutu and jewels. She is in desperate need of dress up clothes!! She has just now taken an interest in dressing up, and I have nothing to provide her!! I need a big box of stuff- anyone know where you find that?

The second picture shows how much my baby is growing up, up, and up!! Those are her 2T pants that obviously we won't be wearing out again. HIGH WATER COMING, watch out!!!! I refuse to buy a bunch of 3T pants (she has 2 pair- they will have to do!) so she can wear them for a month. I will just have to wait it out until spring weather comes and she can start wearing clothes that fit again. :) We had a great time at Target and Walmart today. I have NO idea how all these little items add up to hundreds of dollars, but somehow they do. And what's with cards costing $3.99 or $4.99 these days? I don't think I've been paying attention much, cause last time I looked they were $2.00!! I need to get out my scrapping supplies and start making cards myself, I guess!

The last picture is of yours truly, taken by her child. I'm sure the Walmart workers weren't thrilled that my child was taking pictures all throughout the store, but really, most of them were of me. "Look, Mommy, I took a picture of your back!" (giggle, giggle). "Look, Mommy, here's a picture of your tummy!" (more giggles). A lady next to me was cracking up, saying, "Thank goodness they are easy to delete!" What? You don't think I want to publish, print out, or frame pictures of my tummy? Okay, you're right, I don't! But this picture she actually took at a good angle, so I published it so she could see it when she wakes up from nap. Allison LOVES to navigate through her website and those of friends. It's sooo funny to hear her say things like, "I'm going to click on older posts so I can see the snowman pictures", or "It's almost ready, Mommy, it's just buffering!" She can navigate from her website to her friend Katie's and back again without any help. Gotta love it!

Today I did something that almost made me cry. I filled out an application for my "baby" to attend preschool. I cannot imagine the day I'll just drop her off at this building and LEAVE her there. How do you do that? She has only been left with friends, family, and at church. Maybe I'll just sit in the parking lot the first few days? Really, I have no idea how to do this, but I guess I'll have to figure it out. Wish me luck! She won't start until August, so I guess I have a little time to get prepared. :)

We are knee deep in preparing for a Princess birthday party at the end of the month, and I need to get invitations written out. I hope everyone reading this has a fabulous Wednesday!


Jodee said...

Cute pictures! I can't wait to see pictures of the princess party!

I just signed Carson up for Kindergarten and I cried all the way to work. I am almost dreading the first day of school in August.

Anonymous said...

Ugghh...I'm with you on the preschool thing. We will probably start in the fall too. I was reading the list and she needs a lunchbox and backpack. NOOOO!! That is just way too grown up. I can't bear to think about it.

missy said...

What I did for Paige when she was in the dress up stage was go to consignments and garage sales and Goodwill. We racked up. Another thing I used to do is purchase Halloween costumes after Halloween at low prices. Hope this helps. She is so beautiful!

Sniff, sniff on starting school! I remember that feeling. Time flies, huh?

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Size 3T and preschool??? Ouch, that really does drive home how fast they grow. I know it will be hard at first but you will delight seeing how much she blossoms. (Says the Mom who doesn't have her child in preschool next year.)

Hope you can find some good dress up clothes for Allison. Lindy needs some, too! Yesterday as I was sorting laundry she escaped with my bra and underwear and had a good belly laugh wearing them.

Have a great day!

the Crists said...

I just love your blog! And those pants are called "capris" not floods (smile!).

I got some neat things to use as dress up at JoAnn's - a feather boa and make your own princess crown, beads for stringing for necklaces and bracelets and fabric remnants can make a quick "cape" - our girls love to pretend they are the "WonderPets" (if you know the show I'm talking about).