
Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Looooong Night!

Is anyone else out there experiencing changes in sleeping patterns? Allison has been so consistent for so long that this is throwing us for a loop! She either won't/can't nap at all, or she'll sleep for over 3 hours. Then at night she struggles to fall asleep, obviously not tired due to her never ending naps. I'm thinking I need to wake her from naps after 2 hours to make sure she can sleep at night? Is that the right thing to do? Sometimes she'll play in her room for a good 1/2 hour before falling asleep and THEN take a super long nap. Is she growing? What's going on?

This picture CRACKS me up! It was taken at 10:45 last night. I was headed to bed and caught this little face peering out of her doorway. The camera happened to be right by me, so I snapped a shot. What a face!! We'd been in her room a dozen times, trying different things, including bringing her out with us to watch tv at 10:00. She just wasn't tired, plain and simple. After I took this picture I tucked her in one last time, and she finally fell asleep!

I'd love to hear from anyone having similar issues and what you did to get through it. I want her to have enough sleep but not too much, and I also want my evenings with my husband back! :)

I had planned on running errands today, but it is windy and rainy out, so we're hunkered down inside for the day. I hope you're all enjoying a wonderful Thursday!


missy said...

Hi Laurie,

I am by no means an expert, but when Paige was about Allison's age she stopped being as interested in napping. That was fine with us, as she went to bed earlier. Maybe you could shorten her nap a bit?

That picture is PRICELESS! What a sweet face to be looking back at you no matter what time it is : )

Kristi said...

I'll be checking comments on this post for advice. Naptime has become a dream recently for us, but bedtime is still a LONG routine...

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you. I don't know what to do. If Ellie naps, she doesn't go to sleep until about 10:00 or after. Considering I get up at 5:30 regardless of how late she stays up, this is NOT working for me. When I leave out the nap, she is unbearable that evening. It's like some evil child takes over her body. It's a no win situation for us right now.

Jodee said...

Hilarious picture!

I would definitely shorten the nap -- maybe even to just an hour or a little longer! Good luck!