
Monday, April 21, 2008

Our almost 3 year old gets a clean bill of health!

This morning I took Allison to have her 3 year check up (sniff, sniff!). I can't believe she'll be three years old next week- wow! She did a great job at the doctor's office, and the doctor declared her "perfect". Her words folks, not mine. Ha! She weighed in at 27 1/2 pounds and is 35 inches tall. I asked Allison if she had any questions for the doctor, and she said to her, "What do you have to do to be a doctor? I want to be one". Oh my! And we thought pre-school was going to break us financially! :) The good news is that last week she wanted to be a baseball player, and before that she was pretty set on being a pumpkin, so it looks like she might change her mind a few times before having to make a solid decision about her future. I just pray she stays as happy and healthy as she is today!


Kristi said...

My mom says that at three I declared that I was going to be a helicopter pilot. I feel your pain on kids growing up, when people ask me how old Kylie is I can't just answer that she's two, I have to add the fact that she just turned two last month!

missy said...

Congrats on the clean bill of health on Miss Allison! She is such a happy and beautiful little girl. They grow up fast...sniff, sniff is right!

I had to take Paige to buy a (bra) this about growing up too fast! That one hurt : )

Jodee said...

So glad to hear Allison is healthy. Our pediatrician always uses the word "perfect" too. For some reason or another, it always makes me feel like we are doing a good job parenting!